Sunday, March 11, 2012

Does vitamin d really help with myofascial pain? ? Birth Control

I have chronic back/hip pain and avoid pain medications other than nsaids.

The problem is, I take so much aleve and ibuprofen on bad back days. I don?t like acetominophen (tylenol) and it usually makes me feel crappier. I?m young but having chronic pain means I take nsaids constantly, so sometimes I try to consciously decrease the amount of nsaids I take.

I read somewhere that vitamin d could help and I recently started taking it. I definitely have decreased the ibuprofen/aleve!! Is it my imagination or does vitamin d actually help?

I have Fibromyalgia (which is said to be related to myofascial pain, which my sister had) -Vitamin D3 supplementation has cleared the constant muscle pain. I did high levels for 3 weeks & was pain free. I knocked the dose down to 2000iu?s a day & a week later the pain was back. After restarting high levels, the pain was managed again after 3 days.

I personally did 35,000iu per day for 2 months trying to refill my stores. It is highly recommended that you have your vit.D levels tested but my research shows toxicity only at outrageous, long term levels.

I originally did B12 injections daily for a couple of years & then I tried guaifenesin (Dr.St.Amand?s protocol) for 10 years but discovered vit.D3 supplementation almost 2 years ago & that has worked better than anything else!

Vitamin D3 is not a vitamin at all but a necessary hormone that effects the immune system, bones & nearly every aspect of health.Having low Vitamin D levels greatly increases risk of cancer, heart disease, diabetes, MS & being deficient can create or greatly exacerbate health problems.Many researchers claim that optimized vitamin D levels are more effective than a flu shot in preventing viral infections.

With Vitamin D3 deficiency becoming an epidemic, it is possible that upper atmosphere pollution is blocking the needed UVB light from the sun.Or simply that people are washing daily, if you wash skin exposed to the sun within 48 hours, you wash off the oils where the vitamin D production starts.In northern latitudes (above that of Atlanta, Georgia) the sun is at too low an angle for half the year to provide sufficient UV radiation. If even available, UVB rays are only accessible while the sun is directly overhead.Most people need to take vitamin D, especially seniors, as the ability to synthesize vitamin D in the skin declines with age.

With exposure to sunlight in the summer, the body can generate up to 20,000iu of vitamin D per hour with no ill effects. In addition, no adverse effects have been seen with supplemental vitamin D intakes up to 10,000 IU daily.

Always take your vitamin D with a fat-containing meal to ensure absorption.

The prescription vitamin D supplements are the wrong type (ergocalciferol -vitamin D2).As warned by the National Institute of Health -

Luckily you can buy vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol) over the counter and the upper limits are extremely high. U.S. RDA are much too low. Current recommendations from researchers are for 35iu per pound ? a 150# person needs minimum of 5250iu per day & the rda is 400iu. This amount is for minimal needs and does not replenish depleted stores.

Research published by Grassroots Health from the D*Action study shows the average adult needs to take 8,000 IU?s of vitamin D per day in order to elevate their levels above 40ng/ml, which they believe is the absolute minimum for disease prevention.

I also highly recommend a low carb way of eating for optimal health.

Vitamin D deficiency may contribute to the wide set of disorders associated with metabolic syndrome (syndrome X), as well as to PCOS. In a study published in 2004, the authors saw a 60% improvement in insulin sensitivity in healthy, vitamin D replete adults

Dr. Joe Prendergast, an endocrinologist /diabetologist has managed over 1500 diabetic patients and, in the last decade, not one of his patients has had a stroke or heart attack. Only one has even been hospitalized! His secret?50,000 units of Vitamin D3 daily. Dr. Joe further reports:

* Reversal of advanced coronary disease
* Reversal of advanced lung disease
* Cure of multiple sclerosis
* Cure of amotrophic lateral sclerosis
* Regression of rheumatoid arthritis
* Improvement in allergies
* Control of many cancers
* Reversal of osteoporosis
* Prevention of influenza
* Cure of depression & other mental disorders
* Hashimoto?s hyperthyroidism

In summary, the evidence for safety and remarkable efficacy of Vitamin D3 suggests that virtually ALL adults should probably take 50,000 units of D3 daily. This is certainly true for those with virtually any illness.

Yes, vitamin D does help.I have chronic pain/osteoarthritis and have noticed a big difference since taking it (under my doctors care).It helps repair minute damage tissue.
NSAIDS in the long run can cause damage to your stomach.To be able to decrease the amount you are taking is a benefit.
So, no it?s not in your head!

recent study shows people who took vitamin are more likely die faster.


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